World-class municipal wastewater treatment plants
All reconstruction works relating to wastewater treatment plants in Godów as well as modernisation of the two remaining wastewater treatment plants (in Pawłów and Tarczek) have been completed. Thanks to ultramodern solutions, municipal wastewater treatment plants in Godów, Pawłów and Tarczek are now one of the best wastewater treatment plants in Europe.
In 2016, Pawłów Commune Office has obtained 3 540 669,05 PLN of European Union funds from Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007 – 2013 Priority I – Water and sewage management, 1.1. Water and sewage management in agglomerations above 15 000 p.e. The total cost of the project was 7 481 644,24 PLN.
Since EU funds were obtained from 2007 – 2013 programming period, the condition for receiving them was to complete all scheduled works before the end of the year. As it turned out, Pawłów Commune Office was perfectly prepared to finalise the project on a tight schedule.
– Preparatory work for the execution of this investment started in 2014. Wastewater treatment plant which had been built in Godów in 2000 was very troublesome. Not only was the sewage far from compliance with EU requirements, but we had many complaints from the residents of Doły Biskupie, since the treated wastewater was discharged into the waterway located in this village. Taking all the above facts into consideration, we decided that modernisation of wastewater treatment plant in Godów is necessary. We prepared all design documentation and obtained essential permits – says Head of Pawłów Commune Office, Marek Wojtas. – When the opportunity to obtain EU funding occurred, we did our best to prepare the design as soon as possible to obtain EU financing at the very end of programming period of Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013. While we were setting up all the details concerning financial issues, we launched a call for tenders to begin works as soon as possible, since the schedule was extremely tight.
Two tenders were held in order to complete the project. The first one involved the construction of 2.8 km of new sanitary sewage network in Nowy Jawor.
This task was assigned to SANITEX Sp. z o.o. headquartered in Tryńcza. The second tender involved reconstruction and modernisation of wastewater treatment plant in Godów and modernisation of wastewater treatment technology of wastewater treatment plants in Pawłów and Tarczek. These projects were executed by SCHWANDER POLSKA® Sp. z o.o.
Reconstructed wastewater treatment plant in Godów is based on MBR technology (Membrane Biological Reactor). The system involves mechanical wastewater treatment, bioreactor chamber and ultrafiltration module. Filtration membranes stop all solid particles and bacteria, molecules bigger than 38 nm and some viruses – membrane modules guarantee the highest quality of water treatment process. Treated wastewater meets all legal and regulatory requirements and may be reutilised as process water. Modular design of the system enables to obtain different rates of retention capacity. High biomass concentration in the reactor as well as lack of secondary settling tank enable to reduce the volume and area required for the construction of the plant, which is a huge advantage when compared to traditional solutions.
What is more, all municipal wastewater treatment plants were equipped with RTC optimizing solutions manufactured by HACH LANGE Company. This technology is ultramodern. As SCHWANDER POSKA assures, RTC solutions used in wastewater treatment plants in Pawłów, Godów and Tarczek are among top European wastewater treatment plants. RTC module ensures constant operation, even during peak flow. Sewage flux, concentrations of phosphates and nitrates are constantly monitored. PAX dosage is therefore adjusted according to actual demand, which ensures compliance with EU standards with simultaneous reduction of costs relating to the use of precipitants.
– Wastewater treatment plants have to be not only efficient, but also cost-effective. Taking into consideration rapid rise in prices of energy and chemicals as well as pressure to implement ecological solutions, it comes as no surprise that cutting costs while meeting strict requirements becomes more and more difficult. RTC system enables meeting those requirements while implementing cost-effective solutions and ensures simple integration. Thanks to this solution, costs are reduced from the very beginning. Complex control strategies ensure long-term cost saving while maintaining compliance with legal requirements and stable operation of wastewater treatment plant. – says Marek Wojtas, Head of Pawłów Commune Office. – Thanks to EU funding opportunities, three modern wastewater treatment plants have been built and all of them meet EU standards. We encourage interested parties to visit our wastewater treatment plants and learn more about effective removal of biogenic compounds from sewage in agglomerations above 10 000 p.e.

In 2016, Pawłów Commune Office has obtained 3 540 669,05 PLN of European Union funds from Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007 – 2013 Priority I – Water and sewage management, 1.1. Water and sewage management in agglomerations above 15 000 p.e. The total cost of the project was 7 481 644,24 PLN.
Since EU funds were obtained from 2007 – 2013 programming period, the condition for receiving them was to complete all scheduled works before the end of the year. As it turned out, Pawłów Commune Office was perfectly prepared to finalise the project on a tight schedule.
– Preparatory work for the execution of this investment started in 2014. Wastewater treatment plant which had been built in Godów in 2000 was very troublesome. Not only was the sewage far from compliance with EU requirements, but we had many complaints from the residents of Doły Biskupie, since the treated wastewater was discharged into the waterway located in this village. Taking all the above facts into consideration, we decided that modernisation of wastewater treatment plant in Godów is necessary. We prepared all design documentation and obtained essential permits – says Head of Pawłów Commune Office, Marek Wojtas. – When the opportunity to obtain EU funding occurred, we did our best to prepare the design as soon as possible to obtain EU financing at the very end of programming period of Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013. While we were setting up all the details concerning financial issues, we launched a call for tenders to begin works as soon as possible, since the schedule was extremely tight.
Two tenders were held in order to complete the project. The first one involved the construction of 2.8 km of new sanitary sewage network in Nowy Jawor.
This task was assigned to SANITEX Sp. z o.o. headquartered in Tryńcza. The second tender involved reconstruction and modernisation of wastewater treatment plant in Godów and modernisation of wastewater treatment technology of wastewater treatment plants in Pawłów and Tarczek. These projects were executed by SCHWANDER POLSKA® Sp. z o.o.
Reconstructed wastewater treatment plant in Godów is based on MBR technology (Membrane Biological Reactor). The system involves mechanical wastewater treatment, bioreactor chamber and ultrafiltration module. Filtration membranes stop all solid particles and bacteria, molecules bigger than 38 nm and some viruses – membrane modules guarantee the highest quality of water treatment process. Treated wastewater meets all legal and regulatory requirements and may be reutilised as process water. Modular design of the system enables to obtain different rates of retention capacity. High biomass concentration in the reactor as well as lack of secondary settling tank enable to reduce the volume and area required for the construction of the plant, which is a huge advantage when compared to traditional solutions.
What is more, all municipal wastewater treatment plants were equipped with RTC optimizing solutions manufactured by HACH LANGE Company. This technology is ultramodern. As SCHWANDER POSKA assures, RTC solutions used in wastewater treatment plants in Pawłów, Godów and Tarczek are among top European wastewater treatment plants. RTC module ensures constant operation, even during peak flow. Sewage flux, concentrations of phosphates and nitrates are constantly monitored. PAX dosage is therefore adjusted according to actual demand, which ensures compliance with EU standards with simultaneous reduction of costs relating to the use of precipitants.
– Wastewater treatment plants have to be not only efficient, but also cost-effective. Taking into consideration rapid rise in prices of energy and chemicals as well as pressure to implement ecological solutions, it comes as no surprise that cutting costs while meeting strict requirements becomes more and more difficult. RTC system enables meeting those requirements while implementing cost-effective solutions and ensures simple integration. Thanks to this solution, costs are reduced from the very beginning. Complex control strategies ensure long-term cost saving while maintaining compliance with legal requirements and stable operation of wastewater treatment plant. – says Marek Wojtas, Head of Pawłów Commune Office. – Thanks to EU funding opportunities, three modern wastewater treatment plants have been built and all of them meet EU standards. We encourage interested parties to visit our wastewater treatment plants and learn more about effective removal of biogenic compounds from sewage in agglomerations above 10 000 p.e.