
We work at every stage of the project: preliminary design, design, building plan submission, turn-key construction, operation and authorised service of the wastewater treatment plant equipment. We also pay utmost attention to research and development, constantly developing and improving the MBR technology.

Preliminary design

  • consultations
  • method selection and development 
  • preparation of the conceptual design 
  • cost analysis
  • special orders

Prefeasibility Study

  • site inspection 
  • selection of method and technology 
  • preparation of a priced bill of quantities
  • development of functional programme, taking account of the most up-to-date technical and technological advancements 
  • minimisation of the negative impact of the methods adopted in the functional programme on environment  
  • consultations of technical and technological solutions with the client on an ongoing basis, taking into consideration their impact on the cost of construction works 
Schwander Polska, during formulation of the functional programme, takes account of the characteristic parameters determining the size of the wastewater treatment plant, quantity and quality of the wastewater at the inlet, current conditions for the performance of the subject-matter of the procurement, soils and water assessment and the state of the existing buildings and facilities. On the basis of the above mentioned, a conceptual design of the wastewater treatment plant is being prepared, alongside with the detailed functional programme and tproject requirements of the client.


  • multi-discipline building permit design 
  • multi-discipline as-built design 
  • peparation of the documents relating to the obtaining of relevant permits 
We handle each project individually, after complex and detailed analysis of the requirements relating to the landform, technology, installation, connections or pipelines and wiring, in order to optimise the construction cost and operational costs afterwards. 


  • construction
  • reconstruction
  • modernisation
  • commissioning documentation 
  • as-built documentation
Schwander Polska has an extensive experience in the scope of complete delivery of the project. We may act as a General Contractor, Consortium (Joint Venture) Leader or Consortium Partner or as a Subcontractor (delivery and assembly of technological equipment, delivery of automation and software for the wastewater treatment plant). Our projects included building new wastewater treatment plants, reconstruction and the expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plants or modernisation (from conventional technology to MBR). During the reconstruction or modernisation of a WWTP there is a possibility of continuous operation of wastewater treatment installation at each stage of works.  


  • delivery and assembly of equipment 
  • implementation of the software and automation 
  • start-up
  • training
A construction company may hire Schwander Polska as a Subcontractor for the technology and automation part. 


  • Periodical CIP cleanings
  • Warranty and post-warranty repairs 
  • Maintenance works 
  • Delivery and assembly of the manufacturer's original spare parts
  • Monitoring of the wastewater treatment plant with the help of remote supervision tools
​Authorised Service Teams of Schwander Polska ensure highli specialised and professional operation and maintenance of MBR wastewater treatment plant. We offer quick response time and broad knowledge on the principles of working of MBR plants as well as installed equipment. 

MBR Software

  • Own MBR WWTP software
  • SCADA system
  • On-line real time measurement
  • Built-in NSS predictive system for future events based on previous actions
  • Remote control from every place in the world using any web-enabled device
  • Visualisation of the technological process
  • Management of the alarms and counters
  • Archivisation and processing of the long-term data
  • Display of the reports and trends 
  • Analysis of the process data, alarms and events
The systems operate on the basis of control algorythms determining the optimal process parameters, such as aeration intensity, internal recirculation or excess sludge disposal. The automatic control systems of Schwander Polska stabilise the process and provide guarantee of the proper operatoin of the plant and obtaining of the required quality of the treated wastewater. Furthermore, the required parameters shall be obtained with minimal energy and chemicals consumption. 


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